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deep fade造句

"deep fade"是什么意思  
  • The simulation results show that our algorithm is effective in tracking the changing of channel without deep fading under the condition that transmission efficiency has been double compared with [ 113 ] with the same sub - carriers ; it is also effective to track the channel with deep fading under the condition that transmission efficiency has been increased obviously when linear precoded technology is used
    仿真结果表明,当fir信道没有深度衰落时,本文的算法在相同的子载波和比[ 113 ]传输效率提高一倍的情况下,能有效地自动跟踪信道的变化;当信道有深度衰落时采用线性预编码的情况下,本文的算法在比[ 113 ]传输效率有较大提高的情况下,也能有效地跟踪信道的变化。
  • The underwater acoustic channel is very complex where cochannel interference , doppler frequency offsets , narrow bandwidth and time and frequency selective deep fades obstructs the development of high speed and fidelity underwater data transmissions . thus projects of high speed and fidelity underwater signal transmissions become a hotspot in the fields of world academic circles . the conventional serial communication must use adaptive equalizer to combat the multipath in real - time
  • It's difficult to see deep fade in a sentence. 用deep fade造句挺难的
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